Bell-State Quantum Eraser

 Just Sayin', Physics  Comments Off on Bell-State Quantum Eraser
Jun 282011

I believe the answer given by Paul Walorski here is incorrect in the statement, “The polarization of the first observed photon can be interpreted as nothing more than the measurement of a characteristic that was established back at the time both photons were created.” If it were true that “nothing more” than this is [more …]

The Brink

 Mystery and Awe, Philosophy, Physics  Comments Off on The Brink
Oct 042010

Light and energy, gravity and inertia; these are material mysteries. We cannot explain them. A mystery is not the same as a puzzle. A puzzle can be figured out. A mystery, in the religious sense, cannot. A mystery cannot be figured out, because it defies figuring. We have literally taken lightening out of the sky and made it to sing, yet in a very real sense, we have no real knowledge of it all.

Heat and Light

 Mystery and Awe, Physics  Comments Off on Heat and Light
Jan 102010

Now, you may say that this is all metaphorical, to say that this thing is actually another, and you would be absolutely right. Metaphor is exactly that: an expression that equates two seemingly different things. In other words, mathematics. The equations of physics that describe the universe are metaphors that tell us that this equals that. E=MC2 is the mathematical metaphor that tells is that matter IS energy. We know that space is not separate from time, and yet we speak of time as if it flows through space. This is not correct. Neither is it correct to speak of light and radio as if these are two different phenomena. They are not.

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Words Fail

 Philosophy, Physics  Comments Off on Words Fail
Oct 042009

Sometimes when I am having trouble visualizing something, I find that it is the words themselves that fail me. Perhaps a word is too embedded in a concept that just doesn’t fit. This is especially true of words we use very frequently, but whose concepts are anything but well-understood. “Light”, “energy”, “force”, and “gravity” are [more …]

In the Words of Feynman

 Physics  Comments Off on In the Words of Feynman
Oct 042009

Richard Feynman is a great popularizer of physics. He mastered the mathematics of light and wrote the QED, which is the most accurate and detailed description of the behavior of light, which is accessible to a lay audience. The following links are to a series of videos on You Tube. Similar to Six Easy Pieces, [more …]

Albert Einstein and Quantum Physics

 Physics  Comments Off on Albert Einstein and Quantum Physics
Oct 042009

Everyone knows Albert Einstein’s famous equation, but do you know why he was awarded the Nobel Prize? It was not for Relativity, but for giving birth to the Quantum Universe, which is in direct conflict with the Relative Universe! … Thanks to QED we know that all known physical phenomena in the universe from the [more …]